The biggest dream a writer has is to have his or her books published. In this era of ebooks many writers want to publish their books in print version. There lots of publishers across the web, some of them are very popular but one must be careful while selecting a publisher. There are publishers who only see authors’ or writers’ money, they only try to draw money from the authors’ or writers’ wallet or purse. As we don’t know the publisher in person found on the internet, we should not give full confidence on their words. Once, a writer finalized a package for publishing his book, and as per the package confirmed the publisher must provide free proof reading but the hilarious thing is that the publisher didn’t even checked the spelling of their publishing house. So, please be careful while seeking a publisher on the internet. And if you are looking for a platform to publish your books for free in India then you have landed on a right place. Yes, you heard right. You can publish books for free ebook as well as print. There are many platforms where you can publish your words into a beautiful book at free of cost. Yes, you hear right! You can publish books for free in India.

Before we go the various platforms where we can publish books for free, let us first of all know the different ways of publishing a book. Basically there are two ways to publish a book: one of them being Traditional ways of publishing and the other being Self-Publishing. 

In Traditional Publishing, Publishing house like Rupa Publications is worth mentioning and on the other side in self-publishing Notion Press, Evincepub are worth mentioning. And if we go for free book publication, the process of our book publication will come under self-publishing. If we go for pay and self-publish, all the works from editing to designing will be done by the publishing company as according to our selected package. But if we go free self-publishing all the works we be handled be ourselves.  

The platforms where you can publish books for free in India are: : Pothi says, “Writing is hard. Publishing should be easy.” Yes, the tagline of the company really speaks the truth. Writing is really and if we hunt for publishers publishing a book is harder but pothi is one such platform which makes publishing much easier than one can imagine. 
Notionpress’ Xpress Publishing: Notion Press is a platform where you can publish your books for free as well as pay them to publish your books. It provides various publishing packages. If you want to for free, you need to go its Xpress Publishing. You need to do all the works from designing of the cover to formatting of interior of the book.

Free Self-Publish: With four simple steps, your book will be published using this platform. But like all the free-self-publishing platforms every work from type-setting to cover designing will be author’s work. 

There are some more platforms where we can publish books for free. In the entire free-self-publishing all the works related to formatting, designing and editing will be handled by the author if he or she wants any assistance an expert can be hired. If hiring an expert, the process of publication is equivalent to pay and self-publish.