Our Earth, the blue planet where living being exist. 71% of the Earth is water and the remaining 29% is land. Due to maximum surface is covered with water, the Earth is also known as blue planet. 

We people live in the remaining 29% of land surface, and out of that some land surface are desert, some are for agricultural purpose. We human live in a very little piece of land surface of the Earth.

Since the past decades the population of the world are in term of billions. Rapidly increasing of the population is the huge issue.

The governing council of united nation development program observed this 11 of July as the world population day in the year 1989.The first population day was implemented on 11 July 1990.

The main concept of this day was to draw focus to the people about excessive population and about family planning. Family planning is must for population increasing and decreasing. 

There are 195 countries and out of which China lead the highest population country of about 1,398 million population. Which is followed by India with 1,392 million population which goes on with a countries, USA, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, Maxico and so on.

Increasing of population can directly hit the ecosystem of human being. Like, shortage of food, goods, our needs, place to live. So, to control our population we all should make some contribution towards it.

Huge population country should take major decision to maintain the population.

China has taken a step, that only one child per parents is allowed. 

As our country India has second highest population, if the major task is not taken away, few years from now it will over take China and will become the highly populated country