NASA reveals what will occur in the month of June.

As 2020 is full of pandemic, occurring, multi-incident, cyclone to the eastern and western cost of india, attack of locust and virus.

Now, The Center Fore Near Earth Object Studies(CNEOS). Reveals that three large space rock(asteroid) is heading towards Earth from, June. 

The first asteroid named, Asteroid 163348(2002NN4). Which is the largest amongst the three, has a diameter of 570 metres, which is as big as the five football ground when put together.

The asteroid is 7.48 million kilometer far from Earth. But in June 6,at 3:20 AM (UTC). It has a speed of 49,140Kmph. The asteroid will react to 5.09 kilometer.

But there's nothing to worry, it's safe because it's closest point to Earth is 13X the average distance between Earth and the Moon.

Now,Following with the second asteroid named as the monster asteroid 2013XA22(2002NN4's). It has a diameter of 160 metre and has a speed of 24,050Kmph. It will put it's close approach on Monday, June 8 at 3:40 pm UTC.

Regarding the first it will put much closer till 2.93 million km of Earth. It is smaller then the first.

And the third asteroid 2010NY65.After various of studies done on it. It was discovered decade ago.

It will put it's close impact on June 24 Wednesday at 6:44 am UTC. The diameter of 2010NY65 asteroid is between the first (163348, 2002NN4) asteroid and the second (2002NN4'S, 2013XA22).

It will put it's close point till 3.76 million kilometer from the Earth. It has a peak size of 310 metres in diameter. It is heading towards earth at a speed of 96,400kmph.

Hope all the things going around soon be end up and a new era of live begin, with big smiling face.During this crises nature taught us that no force is stronger then natural force, so regarding that, we should respect nature and all the family of nature.